With spring here and Summer fast approaching, it is time to be outside enjoying the beautiful weather, having back yard barbecues, swimming, playing. I am sure you have heard the saying "laying around soaking up the sun" or something to that effect, but as we all know the sun is not real safe for our skin for many reasons. That is why it is time to start thinking about sunscreen. I do not remember, as a young child, ever being lathered down with sunscreen. As a matter of fact I remember the women in my family "laying out" to get their summer tans and using only baby oil! So, I thought I would do a little research to see if it is possible to make your own all natural sunscreen and it turns out it is.
You only need 3 ingredients to make an easy all natural sunscreen at home: Oil, beeswax, & zinc oxide or titanium dioxide(these are the ingredients that protect you from the sun). You can find these ingredients at many online stores, drug stores and Natural Health stores. You probably have the main ingredient, olive oil, in your pantry and any natural oil will work as well.
I did a little research on the cost of these items and found the average prices for you. Beeswax on average runs $5.00 to $7.00 a pound, If you have a beekeeper in your area you may be able to find it cheaper. Zinc oxide and Titanium Dioxide runs $9.00 to $10.00 a pound. And of course Olive oil or any other natural oil can be as low as a couple of dollars at the supermarket. So for $20.00 you can make tons of sunscreen for yourself and your family. I know one bottle of sunscreen at the supermarket usually costs between $6.00 and $10.00 and these never last my family very long at all. I usually buy 3 or more bottles a summer!
You can find many natural sunscreen recipes by searching the internet, some require more ingredients. I found this one on ehow.com and it seems pretty easy.
To make your own sunscreen you will need:
1 cup Olive Oil or natural oil
1 ounce of beeswax
2 tablespoons pure zinc oxide or titanium dioxide
1. Heat oil in pan over low flame.
2. Add beeswax. Stir until beeswax is completely melted.
3. While still stirring, add the zinc oxide or titanium dioxide very slowly.
4. Pour mixture into glass or ceramic container that can be covered.
5. Once your sunscreen has cooled it is ready for application.
**Remember to use caution when making sunscreen, oil is very hot and you don't want to inhale the zinc oxide or titanium oxide either. Be safe and cautious while making!
You can make your own sunscreen in these few simple steps that will keep your family safe from the sun. I know this will save you money too. Sunscreen is pretty expensive and laden with some ingredients I can't even pronounce. This way you know exactly what is in your sunscreen.
I am going to try this recipe this summer! I love making my own products and I am glad to have found this one. Let me know if any of you have tried it and how it went.
Have a good day!
Amy, Thanks so much for the great recipe-Im definately going to try this. Especailly since I have all of the ingredients already.
Now that is something I'd never considered making. I'd luv to hear a review when you've given it a try. I'm skeptical.
Tammi if you try it let me know how it works for you! I am going to give it a try too, I already have all the stuff also, so why not.
LittleSpots I will let ya know how it works out!
:) Amy
hey can you send some links to sellers of Zinc oxide and Titanium Dioxide online...who would ship internationally.Thanks. great post.
Facial skin treatment is very sensitive, so you'll want to avoid harmful synthetic chemicals found in many products face.
I like the simple recipe. I would also add lavender essential oil since it's nourishing to the skin. doTerra has the purest essential oils available (the only oils that are Certified Pure Therapuetic Grade)...safe enough to take internally. You can obtain and learn more about them through www.mydoterra.com/carlasantiago
I'm wanting to make this for my fair skinned little ones, but I want it to cover as much as possible. Does anyone know about what the SPF would be for this?
Natural Sunscreen recipe https://kemchongnang.top/...
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