I met Rachel, the owner of Huggermugger, through Busy Moms of Etsy Team that we both belong to. I am so glad to feature this multi-talented Mom!! As you can see in her shop, she offers a variety of handmade goodness! Rachel told me the word "huggermugger" means "jumble," and she describes her store as a jumbled assortment of different items, which is why she chose that for her store name. Trust me, her store holds something for everyone! She has a variety of items to choose from such as patterns, crocheted hats & purses, sachets, journals, & crocheted finger puppets(so cute!) and I must add some GREAT gift options for Mother's Day! I talked with Rachel (she's awesome!) and she gave me the inside scoop on running her own business and being a very busy mom!
Here is what Rachel had to say!

2.How long have you been creating, and what inspired you to start doing this? I've been crafty all my life, and love coming up with new ideas for projects. I make up a lot of my own patterns/designs, and sometimes it takes me sever
al tries to get them right, but I'm stubborn that way :-D My craftiness comes from my mom who taught me to crochet, sew, knit, and do just about everything else. As for how I got started on Etsy, a dear friend of mine has a shop -- Knitsational -- and she encouraged me to start one too. In turn, I got my mom started on Etsy; her store is called TheSquareGrammy.

3.What is your favorite item to create and why? I adore making my collaged journal covers. I started doing them in college, and I dig the challenge of findi
ng just the right-sized pieces for each collage. Plus, I get to incorporate another of my passions: words and writing. And I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing the finished collages come together. It's also lots of fun doing custom collages for people, because I can focus on their particular interests and make something I know they will enjoy.

4.Being a Busy Mom and Business owner, what is the most cha
llenging aspect of it all, and do you have any tips for other business owners/busy moms? I'd say time is my biggest challenge. I can knit or crochet with my son around, but collages and most sewing projects have to wait until he's either asleep or playing with his daddy. As for tips for other busy moms, I guess the best thing I can say is learn to multitask! :-D

You c
an also find Rachel in the Blogosphere here. She posts all kinds of things on her blog, from new items in her shop to recipes, to cool things from other Etsy sellers. She says she tries to update it at least 3 times a week, though being a busy mom, that doesn't always happen. I know exactly what she means!! :)

Rachel has
so graciously offered to giveaway to one of our readers her favorite item to make...A BEAUTIFUL Collaged Journal(pictured to the left and below)! To win Rachels Off the Beaten Track (ONE-OF-A-KIND) Journal go on over and check out her shop Huggermugger. Come back here and leave a comment telling us your favorite item or items! That is good for 1 entry and is a must to enter.

As always I will give you some more opportunities to win!!
1. Follow(or already follow) Rachels Blog...Huggermugger... for an extra entry
2. Follow(or already follow) Ozark Scents Blog for an extra entry
3. Follow(or already follow) Busy Moms of Etsy Blog for an extra entry
4. Tweet or blog about this giveaway and leave us the link for 3 extra entries (leave 3 comments for this one)
5. Make a purchase from Huggermugger and receive 5 extra entries (will be verified, leave 5 comments)
Please make sure your email address is in your comment or your blogger account so we can contact you if you win. Contest open to everyone and ends May 6 at 7pm CST.
Thank You Rachel for a wonderful feature and sponsoring this fabulous giveaway!!
Have Fun & Good Luck Everyone!!
Hey girl, what a great giveaway you've got going. Hope all is well with you.
I follow you here.
I love this item: Groovy Geometry Sachet -- Honeysuckle Rose
I follow Huggerbugger too.
I also follow Busy Moms
I follow on twitter and tweeted here: http://twitter.com/TTruckerswife/status/1604074457
I twittered the giveaway here: http://twitter.com/TTruckerswife/status/1604074457
Twittered it: http://twitter.com/TTruckerswife/status/1604074457
Thanks for the giveaway and introducing me to a new store.
I like the Delicious Journal :)
I follow rachel's blog:)
I follow busy mom's etsy shop :)
I tweeted :)
I tweeted :)
I tweeted :)
I am already following Rachel's blog!
For a second there I thought Treasia had it locked up.
This comment isn't an entry, sorry.
Aww, come on, Noumie -- you could give the journal to your mom or one of your sisters, yanno ;-)
I follow Rachel's shop and blog - hee hee - I'm the mom she talks about in your feature. She does really beautiful work! Her journals are awesome!
Cotton Candy Sun Hat (3-6mo)
The Buttercup Sun Hate is my favorite!
Thanks for the giveaway :)
I love the Bright Baubles Hat (adult large).
I'm following Huggermugger.
I'm following Ozark Scents Blog.
I'm following Busy Moms of Etsy Blog.
Aw, her finger puppets are so cute! My fav is this kitten one.
Am now following huggermuggers blog as well. :)
I love the mini notebook!
I like "Live Your Life Journal" :)
meninheira (at) gmail (dot) com
I like the Retro Flowers Sachet -- Lavender! Thanks for the giveaway. mybabyappleseed(at)yahoo(dot)ca
I love Reversible Fanciful Flights Purse!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es
I like the Coffee Comfot Journal: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=19993833
urchiken at gmail dot com
I think that all of the sachets are really nice. My favorite is the Lavender Treasure Map Sachet:)
fun, love the Words, Words, Words Journal
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
I LOVE the yellow crochet hat. I favorited it a week or two ago. Very nice stuff!
Thank you for a great giveaway! I would love to win. I also like the bright baubles hat THank you!
The pink Cotton Candy Sun Hat is my favorite-so pretty!
smchester at gmail dot com
I follow Ozark Scents!
smchester at gmail dot com
love the once upon a time journal!
aliciamnieto at yahoo dot com
Grape Slushie Sun Hat THIS IS AWESOME !
http://tinyurl.com/d5onfb CHECK OUT THIS GIVEAWAY
I like Treasure Map Sachet -- Lavender.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Rachels Blog.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow your blog.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow your blog.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
1. I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
2. I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
3. I blogged:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the Retro Flowers Sachet-Honeysuckle Rose
The Bunny Finger Puppet is my favorite!
I like the nice Once Upon a Time Journal and the finger puppets.
Thank you for the nice giveaway.
My favorite is the Once upon a Time journal.
I follow Huggermugger
I also follow Busy Moms.
Love the mini notebook. trinitygsd at yahoo dot comm
The ONce Upon a Time Journal-
I love the Words words words journal lezanac@yahoo.com
I love the coffee comfort journal!!
what a lovely shop. :)
My favorite has to be the words, words, words notebook, simply cause I loooove notebooks! :)
Groovy Geometry Sachet -- Honeysuckle Rose & Imagine and Believe mini notebook. electricisland(at)gmail.com
Following Huggermugger blog now. electricisland(at)gmail.com
Following Busy Moms of Etsy Blog now. electricisland(at)gmail.com
tweet 1- http://twitter.com/electricisland/status/1715413075
tweet 2- http://twitter.com/electricisland/status/1715413075
Tweet 3 - http://twitter.com/electricisland/status/1715413075
Reversible Fanciful Flights Purse is what caught my eye.
madamerkf at aol dot com
The Words, words, words journal caught my eye!
mabelilly28 at yahoo dot com
I like the retro flowers sachet
following huggermugger
following ozarks scents
following busy moms of etsy
tweeted #1
tweeted #2
tweeted #3
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